
  • 電動板手齒輪箱



  • 設備詳情
  •       佛山市南海凱洋粉末冶金有限公司成立于2001年,是一間現代科技型企業,位于佛山市獅山高新科技園,占地面積3萬平方米。公司技術力量雄厚,引進日本、美國等國家的工藝技術,同時與高等院校產學研合作,并擁有先進的生產設備、檢測儀器和管理機制,有全自動粉末壓機50多臺(25噸到1000噸)及進口高溫燒結爐多條等先進的生產設備。

          Founded in 2001, KaiYang is a modern science and technology enterprise located in Shishan hi tech Zone, Foshan, covering an area of 30 thousand square meters. The company has strong technical strength, the introduction of technology in Japan, the United States and other countries, and cooperation with universities and colleges, and has the advanced production equipment, testing equipment and management mechanism, with automatic powder press more than 50 Taiwan (25 tons to 1000 tons) and a plurality of imported high-temperature sintering furnace and other advanced production equipment.


          Founded in 2001, KaiYang is a modern science and technology enterprise located in Shishan hi tech Zone, Foshan, covering an area of 30 thousand square meters. The company has strong technical strength, the introduction of technology in Japan, the United States and other countries, and cooperation with universities and colleges, and has the advanced production equipment, testing equipment and management mechanism, with automatic powder press more than 50 Taiwan (25 tons to 1000 tons) and a plurality of imported high-temperature sintering furnace and other advanced production equipment.